13 November 2010

Human,chances And Hope

Kita hanya manusia, dan manusia sering terlupa. Marilah mengingatkan sesama kita, moga berjumpa di syurga~

I am human. I am not perfect

I'm not the best servant of the Almighty God,
I'm not the best daughter,
I'm not the best friend,
I'm not the best leader,
I'm not the best follower,
I'm definitely no angel,
Who never does any wrong.

A Chance

Sometimes, we just need to give ourselves a chance.
A chance to live.
A chance to return to who we truly are.
A chance to return to fitrah...
We continue to move on because we have that hope...
The hope that He promised us.
Even though we always forget him,
Even though He isn't the one we put first on the list,
that hope is always there whenever we seek it.

Here is the hope:

“Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman” ( Surah Al-imran:139)

“Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan solat, dan sesungguhnya solat itu amat berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk.” ( Surah Al-Baqarah:45)

Forgives Us Allah

He asks us to come to Him...
Come, and ask His forgiveness, for He would never hesitate to give it...
As long as we don't enjoin Him with others.
But sometimes, we forget ourselves.
We forget who we are,
And we forget to ask.
Are we too proud to ask?
Are we too proud?
Are we too arrogant?
Are we too forgetful?
Forgive us ya Allah...
Give us Your protection from all our wrongdoings and imperfections
Give us strength to be steadfast in this path
Let our flaws be a reminder to us
That we are only Your servants and nothing more
Grant us your bless and love,
For only You are the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Most Forgiving...

~ Thank you Allah ~

katahatiku1: muhasabah diri selalu,pasti hidup ceria,harapan setiap hamba pasti ada kerana ALLAH itu ada

katahatiku2: amik ko blog...entry ke-2 untuk hari nie..lepas geram maa...saya takut nak translate ayat AL-QURAN diatas..huhuhu..